Thursday, February 24, 2011

Haters Gonna Hate

I recently got the shake weight over the break as a Christmas gift.  And the honest truth?  This thing actually works.  There are those of you who look at this thing and, say its ridiculous.  Probably like the Saturday Night Live Skit posted below, you think it's useless.  The shake weight has been getting alot of crap for the suggestive way it looks when your using it.  But I'm here to say its a good addition to your workout repertoire.  It's only 7 pounds, and according to the science the vibrations that it makes is equivalent to curling 65 pounds.  Sure laugh all you want, I may look ridiculous but I'll be the last one laughing when I get the arms that I've been striving towards.


Pros: Great Workout for your Arms
          Short Workout that you can accomplish once a day
Cons: You look like a fool doing it


  1. I had my doubts about the shake weight mainly because I had never heard anyone other than the people on the commercial say that it works. However now that you say it does then I guess I can start to believe it. It is just hard to take it serious after watching this episode of south park:

  2. I bought the shake weight for a white elephant gift exchange this new years and of course I had to try it before I gave it away. It was pretty funny looking but it did seem to work!

    In case you're curious, my 75 year old great uncle ended up with it after stealing it from my grandmother. EVERYONE was jealous.

  3. My friend bought one of these. At first it was just like a random joke gift, but he ended up using it. I have used his and it is actually pretty tiring. If you kept using it I could see it working.

  4. hahahaha!! i am sorry, but i think this is totally funny
