Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Body Types!

 Have you ever wondered why some people could eat a whole bunch of food and never gain any weight.  I myself always wondered why.  Growing up I sat next to the table with my cousin, always remembering we ate the same ammount of food, but I would gain weight like a sack of rice, while he remained the skinniest kid in the family.
Honestly it is because there are different kind of body types. There are three types of body types: Endomorhps, Ectomorphs, and Mesomorphs.
Endomorphs are the naturally fat people, that have fat and a big bone structure.  While Ectomorphes, are the naturally skinny people, that have fast metabolism. While the "Oh what so perfect body," that everyone hates is the Mesomorph.  Mesomorphs are those people that have a naturally athletic body, who could burn fat off easily and at the same time build muscle at a great rate.
As a Endomorph I have to work hard to keep my weight at where it is, work out and eat healthy.  Sometimes I hate the body I'm in, but I'm glad I have to work hard to maintain my body, it takes commitment, and I'm happy I could do it.
For more information, check out this website:

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