Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's the weekend, so raise your glass!?

I find it quite ironic that the day I decide to make a blog about healthy living is the day I wake up with the cold that has been slowly taking over the lives of each of my housemates one by one. I will say that even though I have finally become a victim of this nasty bug, I was the last to fall under its sickly spell, so can we at least give me some credit for that? So, here I am, a college senior, just like any other, sick on the first long weekend of the quarter. So while my friends are out at theme parties, taking day trips to the beach, and attending concerts in San Francisco, I'll be taking it easy and bonding with my new friends: tea and netflix. THIS is the reason why I wanted to start this blog. Feeling good is key to enjoying life. And as the sands of my college youth slowly move through the hourglass, I want to do everything I can to enjoy my life to the fullest. So I will raise my glass of potent Emergen-C to days of healthy living, feeling good, and enjoying life!

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