Sunday, January 23, 2011

Before We Start

Now before we start I have to tell you a little about myself.  Ever since my mother gave me a spoonfull of Gerber baby chow I remember that I've always loved food.  There's nothing that makes me happier than a great meal, from an exquisite meal at a five star restaurant to a simple hot dog, if it tastes good it will make me happy.

Now this is not a problem, but the problem with it is that I have also always had an issue with weight management.  When I was a child child I always was the last kid at the dinner table, and I was always chubby.  Carrying on into my high school years I almost reached the point of being obese, reaching a point of being 240 pounds at 5 foot 10 inches.  However, there was a point in my life, when I put my hand down and had to do something about it. 

When my college career started I started dieting, but it wasn't until after my freshman year that I started really getting into fitness.  Over the summer my roommate, Jacob Sandoval, and I started undergoing a extreme workout plan and diet that would transform my body completely.  I will go into detail about these diets and workout plans later.  But the bottom line is that I started the summer of at a hefty 210 pounds and ended it at 180.

There are many strategies that many people say they have, and there are some.  But I believe that the true skill in dieting and fitness is will power and consistency.  You just want to want it.  So other than that I will tell you guys about my experience on my diet, and in later days I may undergo new ones.

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