Thursday, January 27, 2011

De-stress with Guided Meditation

I am not an expert when it comes to meditation. I have no training or experience, and my mind is constantly jumping around from topic to topic, especially when I am busy and stressed. Luckily, with guided meditation you don't have to be a meditation master to feel its benefits. Health psychology research has shown that meditation can benefit your body in incredible ways. Personally, I use it to relax and refocus when I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed. However, studies have shown that the effects meditation has on your brain are translated to your whole body even to the point of delaying effects of terminal illness such as AIDS and cancer. If meditation can help fight something as strong as these illnesses, imagine what it can do in your daily life. Hope you enjoy and feel free to post any of your favorite meditation or relaxation techniques in the comment box!

1 comment:

  1. Guided Meditation, in simplest form is a type of meditation where the person is guided on every step of his meditation practice. Right from the first step of sitting in a meditative pose to the final stage of completing the meditation, somebody guides you. What actually happen is that a teacher or instructor gives step-by-step instructions on what to do while meditating.

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