Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Plyometric 90 Extreme
Length: 90 Day Weight-Lifting/Cardio/Plyometric/Yoga based program
Developer: Tony Horton
Science: Muscle Confusion
Equipment: Pull-up Bars, Weights: 10-30 pound dumbbells, & Yoga Mat

Towards the end of last summer I had lost 25 pounds of fat, so of course the next stage was to get fit and gain some muscle. So I tried P90X.  Now the secret behind P90X is muscle confusion.  Tony Horton, although sometimes bringing corny lines to the workout routine, has you working hard for a full hour on different muscle groups every single day, so that your body has to adapt to the changes in the work outs.  As a result the muscle groups get confused and build faster.
The great thing about P90X is that it can satisfy both goals of target body types.  If you want to cut fat, P90X is a great fat cutter. It has great plyometric jump training that is intense cardio training to maximize calorie burning to lifting weights so that your body can burn calories throughout the whole day.  But if you want to gain muscle, P90X has routines also help in this process, just add more weight and less reps so that your muscles will tear and reconstruct faster.
In my personal opinion, if you had to compare P90X to Insanity, I would have to say P90X is more effective to cut weight/muscle, however the program is not as fun and is much longer then the Insanity routines.  P90X is very structured, which makes the programs for myself personally somewhat boring.  However some people enjoy the structure that it provides.  In the end, if you work hard and commit yourself to the program you will absolutely see results, like the Beachbody Coach above in the video.

Great fat-cutter
Enthousiastic Trainer
Anyone can do it:
  • Unlike Insanity, anyone can do P90X if they try.  Tony Horton adapts every single exercise so that people with weak knees or people who can't lift enough weight can adapt to the workout routine.  Tony Horton that everyone has to work their way up, and provides three levels of difficulty. Honestly, anyone can do it, I even did one workout with my mom, she's 4'11''.

  • P90X allows you to take a gym to your own household, with just a couple of weights and a pull up bar.
  • You will see better results with just the three items and the P90X workout regime than going to the gym just on your own
  • Only takes one hour out of your day 6 days a week
Sticking with It!
  • One of the hardest things about doing this workout plan, was doing every workout plan every single day.  If I were to go out on a weekend, I would have to complete my workout plan before that time.  If you want to see result, you just gotta stick with it!